• CFL Held an Expert Meeting about the Training Scheme of Second Major ( English )

    CFL Held an Expert Meeting about the Training Scheme of Second Major ( English )

    On April 16, anexpert meeting about the training scheme of second major( English) was held byCFL in room 510 of foreign language building. 5 experts, including Lao Wenhua,the dean from CFL of Dalian Maritime University, Shi Chaojian, the dean ofInternational Education College of our Institute, Mao Liqun and Wu Jianguo, theprofessors of The CFL, and Zhang Qiurong, the chief of the Teaching AffairsOffice, attended the meeting to discuss and review. After listening carefullyto the report given by the dean and Prof.Shang Xin and vice dean He Shaobin,the evaluation experts had a heated discussion on 5 aspects concerning thesecond major, that is, the training target, management and operation, teachingmethods, teaching contents, major courses, and then they put forward opinionsand suggestions to the revision of the training scheme. Later, the participatingexperts had another discussion and evaluation about the compilation plan of ACourse On Non-English Majors Reading, Writing and Translation, a bookregarding navigation.

    The discussion meeting plays an importantrole in the successful launch of the training scheme and the degree program ofthe second language.

                                                     CFL   Contributor: Geng Qiang

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