The Dean of CFL Shang Xin Held A Recruitment Talk In Shanghai International Studies University.

The Dean of CFL Shang Xin Held A Recruitment Talk In Shanghai International Studies University.

  Inorder strenghten CFL by talents, increase the intensity of introduction ofsenior talent, the dean of CFL Shang Xin, together with other experts went toShanghai International Studies University and carried out the recruitment talkto recruit full- time teachers, and received warm reception from,teachers ofthe Graduate Department of Shanghai International Studies University, 14doctoral students are attracted to participate in this recruitment talk.

  Inthe meeting, the dean Shang Xin gave a brief introduction about the history ofCFL, the recent construction development of academic disciplines, the generalsituation of teachers and students, etc. Besides, the dean also gave a detailedexplanation on some,practical problems of CFL ,such as the teachers recruitmentplan in 2015, the construction of teacher team, the training plan for newteachers and the compensation policy that PHD students’ mainly concerned about.

PHD students consulted the declaration ofnational, provincial and ministerial topics in recent years, showed a keeninterest in the good atmosphere of scientific research and the strong team ofprofessors of CFL, and communicated in detail about problems such as whetherthe declaration of the topic on teachers have any helpful or supporting effect,whether there are flexible flow between teaching and research section, howabout the peripheral transportation and various supporting facilities. And deananswered the above mentioned questions accordingly.

 Based on honest communication, there are several doctoral students whohave submitted their resume. The recruitment talk played an active role inpromoting SMU and CFL, which achieved the aim of attracting the attention ofthe social talent.

                                                                 Contributor: CFL


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