The tale of tworeadings for non-root modals for the past: A case study of Mandarin Chinese
時 間💃🏿🤵🏽:6月18日(周四)15:00
地 點:外語樓311
In this talk, Iaddress the question of whether and how non-root modals in languages withoutperfect aspect can express the epistemic vs. metaphysical ambiguity observedwith the “non-root modal + perfect” construction in English. One such language, MandarinChinese, resorts to the presence vs. absence of certain aspectual adverbs toexpress the ambiguity. Despite the surface distinction, the relevant underlyingcompositional principle is very likely the same between English-type andMandarin Chinese-type languages.
解誌國🎀,2011年畢業於康奈爾大學🪸,獲語言學博士學位,現任教於俄亥俄州立大學東亞語言文學系💴🤞。主要研究方向為漢語語義🙍🏿♂️、句法及二者接口。研究成果發表於The Linguistic Review、 Journal of East Asian Linguistics、 Language and Linguistics、 《當代語言學》等國內外期刊👊🏽。