• College of Foreign Languages Foreign Language Teaching Incentives for Improvement Lecture Series on Language and Humanities Activities (39th)

    Lecture Title: The ABCs of Language Policy and its Research: A Japanese Perspective

    Lecturer: Professor Zhang Zhiguo

    Time: June 13, 2019 (Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm)

    Location: Room 515, Foreign Languages Building

    Lecture Introduction:

    Language policy is a young and dynamic sub-discipline of sociolinguistics or applied linguistics, which has attracted increasing attention from academics and political circles at home and abroad in response to globalization and increased language contact around the world. The discipline of language policy is distinguished by its interdisciplinary and practical nature. This lecture will explain the definition, use of terms, trajectory, content, characteristics, and significance of language policy in the context of Japan and the Japanese language. It is hoped that this lecture will stimulate the interest of some Japanese language majors in reading and researching in this field.

    Lecturer Profile:

    Zhang Zhiguo, Professor at the School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Maritime University, Director of the Institute of Language Policy and Language Planning, Adjunct Researcher at the China Language Strategy Research Center, Nanjing University, Director of the Language Policy and Planning Research Society of the Linguistic Society of China, Director of the International Association of Urban Linguistics, Executive Director of the International Alliance of Young Applied Linguists (IAYALS), One Belt, One Road He is a member of the Board of Directors of the One Belt, One Road Language Education and Humanities Council, an expert in the final evaluation of National Social Science Foundation projects, and an expert in the evaluation of National Language Commission projects. He has presided over two national social science projects, provincial projects, departmental projects, school-level projects, and several horizontal projects. He has published over 70 papers in Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Foreign Language World, Language Applications, Contemporary Linguistics, Modern Foreign Languages, Journal of Xi'an Foreign Language University, Journal of Yunnan Normal University, Chinese Sociolinguistics, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, and Global Chinese. He has published more than seventy papers in journals such as Chinese. His monographs include A Comparative Study of Language Education Policies in China and the United States: In the Context of the Globalization Era and translations of Language Policy: An Important Topic in Sociolinguistics and Language Management.

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